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Weather Alert 1/22/2025
In-person Bible Study Cancelled- Service will be held online

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Come Celebrate Easter at Calvary Baptist Church

Calvary Baptist Church will be hosting two events in honor of the Day the Lord has Risen. The Seven Last Words Service is being held on Wednesday, March 27 at 7:00 p.m.

Easter Sunday will start with a breakfast prior to the start of Sunday morning worship. Following breakfast, Calvary will hold its annual Illustrated Service in honor of Easter.

Hope to see you all come out and celebrate!!!

CDF Freedom School Summer Literacy Program Registration is Open

Calvary Baptist Church and Calvary Baptist Community Center will be hosting its First Year of the CDF Freedom School Summer Literacy Program. The program, free of charge, will support children entering grades 3-5 in September 2024. Registration is now open.

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Calvary Baptist Church Hosts Inaugural Raise the Roof Golf Event

Calvary Baptist Church Hosts the Raise the Roof Golf Outing. The event is scheduled for April 15, 2024 at Meadows Golf Course, 70-2 Bridges Road, Lincoln Park, NJ. Registration starts at 10:00 a.m.

Calvary Baptist Church Hosts its Annual Clean-up Day

Join the members of Calvary Baptist Church on Saturday, May 18, 2024 from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. as its undertakes its Annual Community Clean-up. The members of the church will work side-by-side with the community to clean up the block surrounding the church’s campus.

Calvary Baptist Church its 2nd Annual Health Fair

Calvary Baptist Church, and its partners, will be hosting its 2nd Annual Health Fair. The event, scheduled for Saturday, April 20th, will begin at 11:00 a.m. There will be health information provided on a variety of topics, including high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, and so much more. COVID 19 vaccinations will also be provided. Come out and participate in the Family Fun and Health Education Day!

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City-wide Prayer

Calling all members of the Paterson, NJ/ Passaic County, NJ community to participate in the City-wide Prayer. This event has been one held since last year. The purpose is to pray for our community and its leaders. We all need to come together for the betterment of Paterson.

Calvary Baptist Church, The Bridge & NJ Reentry Corporation Hosts 2nd Annual Christmas Extravaganza

Calvary Baptist Church and its partners, The Bridge, NJ Reentry Corporation and Paterson Community Policing, came together to host the 2nd Annual Christmas Extravaganza. The Christmas Extravaganza was held on Saturday, December 16, 2023. Participants were able to receive a gift for the holiday season, along with meeting Santa upon his visit to Calvary Baptist Church. Pastor Will Brown stated, “We were able to serve 148 young people during this year”. We are proud to have been able to come together and provide young people with a positive Christmas experience.”

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Calvary Partners with HCPC on Medicaid Unwinding Outreach

The Health Coalition of Passaic County has provided grant funding to Calvary Baptist Church to increase community awareness of the Medicaid redetermination process and applicable local resources (e.g. Board of Social Services, enrollment assistance, Get Covered NJ marketplace, etc.) with the goal of ensuring community members in Paterson and Passaic retain healthcare coverage.

Will Brown, Minister of Outreach at Calvary Baptist Church, praises “HCPC for its use of community organizations to outreach to people in our local community as trusted partners. Calvary Baptist Church understands the assignment and will be working with HCPC to ensure people within the surrounding neighborhoods retain their health care coverage.” We want to hear from you about your experiences with this process, please use the link in the volunteer section to complete the survey.
NJ Family Care Member Feedback Surveys

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Since March of 2020, NJ FamilyCare/Medicaid has followed special rules related to the federal COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE). These rules have allowed most NJ FamilyCare/Medicaid members to keep their health coverage, even if they no longer qualified – for example, if their income was too high. However, Congress passed legislation that said state Medicaid programs had to go back to following normal federal rules as of April 1, 2023.

NJ FamilyCare has re-started eligibility reviews. This means that all members enrolled in an NJ FamilyCare program will be reviewed to see if they still qualify for coverage. As part of this review, many members will receive mail from the State of New Jersey or their County Board of Social Services. Members will have to provide or confirm additional information so NJ FamilyCare/Medicaid can decide whether they still qualify for healthcare coverage. Members who do not respond to NJ FamilyCare/Medicaid mail may lose their coverage.

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Passaic Valley Water Commission Holds Community Town Hall Meeting

On Wednesday, June 28, 2023 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., Passaic Valley Water Commission will be holding a Paterson Town Hall Meeting at Calvary Baptist Church. The meeting is being held to provide information to Paterson customers. Passaic Valley Water Commission will have representatives, along with the Executive Director, in attendance to provide information on projects of interest such as hydrant flushing, water main replacements, lead service line replacements and new customer service options. All are urged and encouraged to attend.

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Calvary Baptist Church Celebrates 144th Anniversary

The Historic Calvary Baptist Church is turning 144 years old. On June 25, 2023, the church will be celebrating 144 years in existence. The church had a humble beginning in 1872 as the first Black Baptist church in Paterson, New Jersey.  The celebration of the 144th Anniversary will commence on Wednesday, June 21 with The Encounter featuring Rev. Willie Francois. The celebratory events will conclude on June 25, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. with guest preacher Bishop D.A. Sherrod. Come out and join the Historic Calvary Baptist Church in its celebration of turning 144 years old.


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